Home Loan - Direct Housing Assistance Program

You haven't bought your home yet and you would like to benefit from tailor-made financing while taking advantage of the State’s assistance? BANK OF AFRICA has a range of solutions to support you in your project.

Whether you are a Moroccan residing in Morocco or abroad and you wish to purchase your main home in Morocco, BANK OF AFRICA is at your side to simplify the purchase of your home, through a tailored financing formula while benefiting from direct state assistance for access to housing.

Our home loan formulas have been designed to enable you to make your property purchase with peace of mind.

  • Take advantage of the State’s assistance and complete the financing of your home with BANK OF AFRICA. You can finance the remainder of the price of your home with a loan from BANK OF AFRICA, up to 100% of the property's deed value. Our formulas also offer you the possibility of modulating your loan on the periodicity of your choice and according to your financial capacity.

My property in Morocco