Women’s empowerment
Consistent with the Group’s commitment to promoting gender equality, the ratio of female employees to total employees rose to more than 38% in 2016 versus 34% in 2012. The ratio of female recruits to total recruits also increased to 46%.
Growing proportion of managerial staff and female managers
The ratio of managerial staff to total staff continues to rise, reaching 21% at 31 December 2016 versus 18% in 2012 and 20% in 2015. The ratio of female managerial staff to total managerial staff also rose to 27.7%. 2016 versus 25.9% in 2012.
HR dynamic driven by internal transfers or promotions
1,712 internal transfers were recorded in 2016, which were either reconversions or promotions, accounting for almost 33% of BANK OF AFRICA's workforce. Of these transfers, 9 were expatriation moves, 6 returns from expatriation and 5 intra-group transfers, accounting for 1.16% of the total transfers recorded in 2016.
Skills enhancement
In 2016, 483 training initiatives, equivalent to 18,554 training days were provided, which were focused primarily on banking business lines. As a result, almost 3,500 employees or 66% of the workforce benefited from at least one training course provided by BANK OF AFRICA Academy. The majority of the e-learning training programmes were focused on developing managerial and commercial skills, with 2,001 employees benefiting.
Occupational health and welfare policy
A number of preventive measures were taken as part of the Bank’s occupational health and welfare policy:
- Annual occupational health check-ups, aimed primarily at informing, advising and raising awareness among employees about preventive measures;
- Cardiology check-ups aimed at preventing cardiovascular disease;
- Hygiene check-ups and hygiene inspections of premises, including safety and working conditions;
- Screening campaigns to diagnose diseases at an early stage and be able to treat them easily by limiting the risks associated with long-term illness - screening for breast cancer, diabetes and hypertension, prostate cancer etc.;
- Awareness-raising campaigns, particularly regarding early detection of breast cancer.
Workplace well-being and preventing psychosocial risks
In 2016, a cornerstone initiative was carried out to appraise occupational health risks as part of OHSAS 18001 – occupational health and safety.
Training on psychosocial risk factors was provided to 126 managers in the North Casablanca area to raise awareness of the mechanisms and consequences of stress at work.
3,070 medical check-ups
145 hygiene check-ups
148 cardiology examinations
116 tropical medicine check-ups – Africa
624 cases of hospitalisation, surgery, circumcision, childbirth etc.
4,971 employees attending preventive campaigns
Extension of employee benefits formalised in a framework agreement
As part of a process of ongoing dialogue with staff representatives, a memorandum of understanding was signed to extend employee benefits under the Solidarity Fund to include new services.
The new benefits encompass, among other things, social security benefits for disabled children of employees in the form of payment tuition fees for specialised institutions, merit-based payments as well as interest-free student loans for employees’ children enrolled in higher educational institutions in Morocco or abroad as well as the reimbursement of some of the expenses incurred for in-vitro fertility treatment.
BANK OF AFRICA was once again awarded the Tobacco-free company Gold label by the ‘Lalla Salma Foundation – Prevention and Treatment of Cancers’